SunBum Dare to Care Campaign
Dare to Care is an advertising campaign for Sun Bum sunscreen, skincare, and haircare products. The campaign includes digital, traditional, and social media components in order to reach the target audience, which is teenagers and young adults that don’t use sunscreen. The campaign should challenge people to care about their skin and protect it rather than let it burn. Dangerous diseases can arise from sunburnt skin, so Sun Bum encourages people to care about their skin to keep it healthy. Beyond sales and profit, Sun Bum cares about their community’s well-being and wants everyone to be safe. The campaign aids in building brand awareness, encouraging the audience to wear sunscreen, and extending the Sun Bum community. In addition to a tropical sweepstakes, the components of the Dare to Care campaign include a campaign-specific logo and tagline, retail store rollout graphics, digital media banner ads, a web landing page, social media posts, and a promotional event in Mission Beach, CA.

The logo for the Sun Bum “Dare to Care” campaign features the campaign tagline along with the brand name and logo. The tagline is displayed in Lust Script Regular to convey a relaxed tone and vintage feel. The original brand character, Sonny the Monkey, is the known face of Sun Bum, so it was fitting to use the Sonny logo for this campaign. His look is too cool for school, but not too cool to care about his skin. Sonny’s laid-back yet intimidating look is perfect for the “Dare to Care” campaign. Rollout banner ads were chosen to promote the Tahiti sweepstakes event as well as the Mission Beach party event. This type of promotional material was chosen because they can sit anywhere – surf shops, department stores, outlets, events, and markets – and still be effective. They also work well together or on their own.

Some examples of media items for the Dare to Care Campaign include a campaign-specific web landing page and a social media promoting the sweepstakes. The web landing page on the SunBum website is essential for the success of the campaign because all other promotional material for the beach event and the Tahiti sweepstakes point to one place where you can find all the details – the Sun Bum website. This landing page provides all the details about the trip to Tahiti and what is required for entry to the sweepstakes, as well as details for the Mission Beach party event. This page also invites visitors to browse and shop all Sun Bum’s products. For the social media post, the same image and caption will be used in a post on all of Sun Bum’s social media accounts – Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and TikTok. Through any of these medias, the target audience will be reached as they are part of the younger, tech-oriented generation and spend a lot of time on screens and social media.

Another component of the campaign is the promotional event itself, the SunBum all-day beach party in Mission Beach, CA. The event signage and graphics would feature the brand name and logo, campaign logo and tagline, and feature promotional banners for the Tahiti sweepstakes. In each of the three booths are a SunBum associate and a station with different Sun Bum products. The first tent will be stocked with sun care, the second will be stocked with skin care, and the third will be stocked with hair care. Digital banner ads were also chosen for this campaign because they are effective at reaching the campaign target audience. Whether they are online shopping, watching YouTube videos, researching or checking the surf, the target audience will be exposed to the campaign banner ads while browsing the internet. The campaign logo and colors were chosen along with product visuals and a palm frond to create unity among the campaign components. The banner ads also promote the upcoming campaign event in Mission Beach.

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